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Strawberries From Heaven

Pipestone Flyer

I always dreamed of growing up on a farm and being surrounded with plants and animals. It was the fondest wish of my entire childhood but alas, it was not to be. However, I did have a pretty great childhood growing up in a rural area of Vancouver Island called Little Qualicum. 

    We lived in a wee little house surrounded with flowers, fruit trees, and about 10 acres of pine trees beside us that felt like a forest to me. However, the most magical part of that "forest" was the little meadow between our house and where the trees started. Every spring tiny white flowers carpeted the moss and wild grasses of this meadow and from that moment on I started checking between the green leaves looking for the little red jewels I knew had to appear soon. Those wild strawberries were sweeter than any fruit had a right to be, and the remembered joy of searching out those tiny treasures still has the power to bring a smile to my face to this day. 

    If I close my eyes I can still see that long gone meadow, smell the fragrance of a warm spring/summer day filled with sunshine beating down on pine trees and growing things, and taste the little bit of heaven packed into every scarlet morsel.