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Search and seizure powers unwarranted

People, wake up to the powers the NDP government is giving itself in the (carbon tax) Bill 20 Climate Leadership Implementation Act...

Dear editor,

People, wake up to the powers the NDP government is giving itself in the (carbon tax) Bill 20 Climate Leadership Implementation Act, Part 3, Division 1 and 2 from pages 52 to 61. Without warrant they can enter any land or premises used by the person in connection with the purchase, storage or use of fuel. To sidestep any warrant all they have to do is say the conditions for obtaining a warrant exist. They can seize and remove any records, computers and also search any vehicle, even hook hardware or software to vehicles to obtain readings or other information.

They can stop any vehicle at any time for inspection. If you are transporting fuel “other than what is in the vehicle’s fuel tank,” you shall provide written proof of quantity and type of fuel, where obtained, to be delivered to and it’s use. The vehicle may be detained until written proof is provided and verified “to the satisfaction of the officer.” So technically if you are transporting four liters of fuel for a lawnmower, they can detain a vehicle with no specified time limit, it’s up to “satisfaction of the officer.”

These powers fly in the face of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 8, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. It appears Part 3 of this bill is aimed primarily at rural Albertans because could anyone envision these powers ever being used on city dwellers who are AUPE members? Never would it happen.

Where is the media’s concern and how are such drastic powers justified? If someone is running a crystal meth drug lab, the government has to obtain warrants and follow constitutional rights. But the Alberta NDP see nothing wrong with violating rural Albertans’ rights, in particular with this bill.

Recently Brian Mason said, “When we have guests in the legislature we treat them with civility.” He has a very short memory of how in December, 2015 the NDP treated rural Albertans present in the gallery. Such as Daniel Larivee making faces at those in the gallery and other NDP MLAs conduct, like putting their feet up on the desk, leaning back and laughing about Bill 6 concerns.

Ron Wurban, Calmar