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Pipestone Flyer


    The Leduc 4-H Beef Club has been a busy club these past few months. Some exciting things went on and some new things are coming up shortly, stay tuned!

    Public Speaking was held on February 1st and everyone did an awesome job! In 1st place for Juniors was Ashley Tolsma, 2nd place was Lane Wedman and 3rd place was a tie between Laura and Rebekah Knull. For Intermediates 1st place was Cherese Eidick, 2nd was Kassie Wrubleski and 3rd was Brianna Tolsma. In 1st place for Seniors it was Sierra Halwa, 2nd place was Tristan Eidick and 3rd was Taylor Schmidt. 

    Kassie went in place of Cherese to District Public Speaking and got 1st in Intermediate division as well as Ashley in the Junior division and Sierra got 3rd.  Kassie and Ashley are both going to Regionals in Athabasca March 8th, good luck!! Awesome job to all of the members who shared their speeches!

    Coming up on March 7th, this Friday, we will be doing our Community Service Project and raising money for the Stollery Hospital.  We will be set up at different locations around Leduc including Sobeys, Leduc Mall, Safeway and Canadian Tire. We hope to see you there!

    Our Achievement Day this year is on Monday June 2nd at the LRC in Leduc so make sure to mark your calendars! We hope to see you there supporting your local 4-H Club!


Monika Knull

Your Club Reporter


    On February 23, 2014 we had our Public Speaking Event.  It was a nice day to hear lots of wonderful speeches.  We learned some new and interesting things and had a few laughs also.  The winners are: Junior First place Rachel Nelson, Junior Second place was a tie with Seanna Shantz and Georgia Wray.  Intermediate First place went to Karson Mathieu and Intermediate Second place went to Larissa Swanson.  Senior First Place went to Emilee Graff and Senior Second place went to Kindren Thiessen.  Next for the top placers comes District Public Speaking which is the weekend of March 7&8 in Wetaskiwin.    A big thank you to all our 

Judges for giving their time and spending the afternoon with us.  Also a big thank you to Angus Ridge Hall for Hosting our Event and Alta Link for sponsoring 4H public speaking.

    Next up for our club we have Calf tour.  Its going to be a fun day as we go to everyones place and see their steers and heifers and talk about how its going for each member.

Avery and Rachel Nelson


    Wow it’s been a busy month for Lakedell 4-H Lighthorse club! On February 1st, we had a drill team clinic. Our thanks go out to the Shadow Riders’ 4-H club for coming out and helping us with drill team ideas and patterns. Also thanks to Kyley Denschikoff for our horse judging clinic in the afternoon.

    Then on Friday the 7th of February in Wetaskiwin, our club volunteered to help out at the JEDI, “How the West Was One” convention. We spent our night ushering, doing coat check, being runners and also having a few gags and laughs. Our club set up the coat check by donation for helping out with buying our new club shirt. In total we raised $324.40, our thanks to everyone that supported our cause. Also nearing the end of the night, our club members, leaders, and parents took a picture at the western dress up photo booth. Talk about fun! 

    Then just on Sunday, February 9th, Lakedell Lighthorse had their club annual Public speaking competition. All of the members did an excellent job and I'm sure their parents and leaders are proud of them. For seniors Brittany Lange took 1st,  Amy Belec took 2nd and Will Harink placed 3rd.   For Intermediate’s Kate Harink took 1st,  Carly Hannay took 2nd and Annalise Tremblay (myself) placed 3rd.  After the prepared speeches, impromptu’s, judges’ comments, and awards. Oh yes and let’s not forget a great lunch, we all headed home with proud smiles and helpful tips to work on for next year. A special Thank you goes out to our judges Joyce Winter, Kevin Cummings, Gilaine Porter, Brian Knull, Joan Stone & Dorothy Ungstad for helping us out. 

Annalise Tremblay

Lakedell Lighthorse Club Reporter


    Hope everyone had a fabulous February! On the 2nd of February we had our first ride of the month.  We walked, trotted, and cantered. We also did one long, cool pattern two times. The ride was awesome! 

    Some of us went to Lakedell Multi Species Judging on the 15th of February. We judging cows, horses, goats, saddles, shoes, hay, matching seeds and kitchen tools; some of us won some prizes.

    On the 17th of February, we had our Public Speaking. In Junior’s 1st place was Shelby Boeve. In Intermediate’s 1st place was Mariah Corbiere, 2nd Lois Schultz, and 3rd Janine Tatlow. In Senior’s 1st place was Sadie Borgfjord, 2nd place is Mallory Rusk and 3rd is Julia Milligan. In presentations Louise Erskine was 1st, and Caelin Foulston and Cassidy Laskosky. This was a learning experience and the speeches and impromptus were really fun to listen to.

    This month has been crowded with lots of fun activities!


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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