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Neighbourhood Community Gardens?

Pipestone Flyer

Recently there has been some discussion about developing a number of neighborhood community gardens. Currently the only community garden available to Leduc residents is located near Telford Lake and it has reached its maximum capacity.

As the city has grown to the west and south, many residents have also found the Telford Lake garden plots difficult to maintain. While the Telford community garden would remain, there has been some interest by residents to see other community gardens being developed closer to their homes.

Throughout North America there are over 18,000 community gardens and studies have shown that community gardens have increased a sense of community ownership and stewardship. They foster the development of a community identity and spirit. Community gardens will bring people together from a wide variety of backgrounds (age, race, culture, social class). Community gardens also offer a focal point for community organizing, and can lead to community-based efforts to deal with other social concerns.

City Councilor Glenn Finstad recently sent out an email encouraging residents to indicate their interest by responding to his email he stated:

“Ideas and concepts like these do need grassroots support. If you, or someone in your neighborhood would like to champion the cause for a neighborhood community garden, please let me know. Budget time is coming, and we need to know the extent of our community's desire for such gardens. If there is interest, which community would like to host a pilot project? At this point, this post is to determine the extent to which interest exists.

Councilman Finstad can be contacted by email at this address: