In quick succession, two community sponsorship requests were approved by Leduc County council during its March 22 meeting.
Leduc Ringette U16A Championships
In support of the Leduc Ringette U16A Jaguars attendance at the 2016 Canadian Western Ringette U16A Championships in British Columbia the county sponsored $500.
The money will go to helping offset the cost of accommodations, travel expenses and new uniforms for the team.
The initial request was for $9,605.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The society of St. Vincent de Paul is a volunteer organization which provides support throughout Leduc County by providing emergency assistance to people in need.
Those needing the support are referred to the organization by Family and Community Support Services (FCSS).
County council granted sponsorship totalling $1,500.
Leduc County feels with the deteriorating state of the economy there is an increased need for assistance throughout the county.
St. Vincent de Paul provides the cost of a motel room for the night, the cost of obtaining new I.D. so other services may be accessed, assistance in paying part of all of a utility bill, other bills, rent, food or prescriptions of up to $400 per family.
Originally the society was asking for $5,000.
Zion Evangelical Missionary Church 100th Anniversary
The Zion Evangelical Missionary Church requested $1,000 for the church’s 100th anniversary/community homecoming.
County council received the request as information.
Other financial decisions
During county council’s March 22 meeting the councillors made a series of decision regarding other financial matters.
Council approved a funding donation of $7,500 to the Looma Good Deed Association to help replace its cistern hall.
The donation is part of the association’s budget and approval was conditional on the group receiving full protect funding from other sources.
The Looma Good Deed Association confirmed that it received confirmation of $7,297 from the Provincial CFEP lottery program; any remaining funds required will be supported by internal hall funds.
Council also approved the 2016 Thorsby Region Recreation Committee’s budget and the Leduc County contribution of $39,700.
The 2016 New Sarepta Region Recreation Committee budget was approved as presented, as well as the county contribution of $18,600.
Leduc County council accepted the 2016 Calmar Rural Recreation Commitee budget as presented and approved a $55,500 county contribution.
The 2016 Warburg Recreation Board budget was approved, as was the $13,900 Leduc County contribution.
All recreation committee budgets reflect expenditures already approved in the Leduc County 2016 operating budget.