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Town of Millet 2017/18 boards and committees appointments

Council increases representation on two committees

Town of Millet council held its organizational meeting to appoint councillors to a number of boards and committees that require town council representation. The organizational meeting is held annually in October.

Committee of Whole: all of council

Millet Municipal Library Board: Doug Peel, Tony Wadsworth (alternate)

Agriplex Operating Committee: Mike Storey, Vicki Pyle (alternate)

Millet Seniors Club: Carol Sadoroszney, Robin Brooks (alternate)

West Central Planning Agency: Pat Garrett, Vicki Pyle (alternate)

Seniors’ Homes and Community Housing: Carol Sadoroszney, Pat Garrett (alternate)

Regionalization Committee: Mike Storey and Carol Sadoroszney, Vicki Pyle and Robin Brooks (alternates)

Subdivision and Development Appeal Board: Doug Peel, Tony Wadsworth

Emergency Services Committee: Vicki Pyle, Carol Sadoroszney, Pat Garrett, Robin Brooks (up from three members)

Yellowhead Regional Library Board: Doug Peel, Tony Wadsworth (alternate)

Risk Management Committee: Tony Wadsworth, Carol Sadoroszney, Robin Brooks, Vicki Pyle (up from two members)

West Dried Meat Lake Regional Landfill Authority: Pat Garrett, Vicki Pyle (alternate)

Community Building Healthy Ad hoc Committee: Vicki Pyle, Pat Garrett (alternate)

Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI): Tony Wadsworth and Mike Storey, Doug Peel (alternate)

Historical Society: Pat Garrett, Vicki Pyle (alternate)

JEDI – AGM (annual general meeting): Carol Sadoroszney, Robin Brooks (alternate)

Municipal Planning Commission: Mike Storey, Pat Garrett, Robin Brooks

Tourism Committee: Pat Garrett and Robin Brooks, Vicki Pyle (alternate)

Millet Food Bank: Robin Brooks, Vicki Pyle (alternate)

Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission: Tony Wadsworth and Pat Garrett, Mike Storey (alternate)

Communities in Bloom: Robin Brooks, Pat Garrett (alternate)

Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools: Tony Wadsworth and Vicki Pyle, Pat Garrett and Robin Brooks (alternates)