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Town of Millet Council - January 26th, 2011

Pipestone Flyer

 Vol 15. Issue 6, Leduc - Wetaskiwin Pipestone Flyer

The general council meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Rob Lorenson.

All Councillors present with the exception of Councillor Eleanor Pydde and Councillor Pat Garrett.

Appointments and Delegations

As per Bylaw 96/10, Council must appoint two Members of Council, two Members at Large and a development officer for the Municipal Planning Commission.  Councillor Michael Storey volunteered, leaving one other position to be filled.  Council discussed it recalling Councillor Pydde's expressing interest in the position, Council voted her in, leaving two Members at Large needed.  Council agreed to place an advertisement in the paper inviting those interested to apply for the positions. 

Council felt that one Member of Council should be appointed as representative for the Communities in Bloom Committee.

Councillor Eleanor Pydde had voiced interest in sitting on this committee, so she was voted in.

Mayor Lorenson moved to accept the Fire Department report as information.


Municipal Affairs - Financial Performance Indicators

Municipal Affairs prepares financial indicator graphs every year, usuing municipal financial and statistical data to assess previous performance of municipalities, that are then compared to similar municipalities with comparable tax assessment bases.

Using 2009 records, the municipal equalized tax rate for the Town of Millet in that year was 6.1 as opposed to a median rate of 7.5 and a maximum of 12.1.  The residential equalized tax rate for the Town was also below the median.  Other points made included that in 2009, the net municipal property taxes per capita were well below the median of $877 - The Town of Millet's net municipal property taxes per capita was $624.

"All in all," said C.A.O. Teri Pelletier, "the report shows Millet in good financial shape going forward."

Country Retreat

The weekend of January 22, the Town of Millet Council members retreated to quiet beauty of the country at the Village at Pigeon Lake.  A working retreat, Council discussed the implementation of a strategic plan for Millet, and revised the Vision and Mission Statement.

Five core goals were identified by Council during the retreat.  They are:

  • Develop a program to implement strategies for Economic and Business Development within the Town of Millet,
  • To provide innovative and cost effective recreational and cultural facilities and programs in the Town of Millet,
  • The Town of Millet will ensure the needs of its residents are achieved and can support future growth through ongoing planning and maintenance of our municipal infrastructure,
  • The Town of Millet will drive for organizational excellence by focusing on customer and operational excellence while promoting a safe, healthy work environment, and
  • Promote Millet as a recreational, commercial and cultural destination.

Council discussed holding a town hall meeting to not only introduce the five key objectives to the public, but expound on the strategies that support the goals. "It was a weekend well spent," said Mayor Lorenson, "we accomplished a great deal of work over the weekend."

New Business

Hall Waiver - Women's Retreat

Centred around women's health and well-being, a group of women is planning a "Women's Retreat" to be held on Saturday, February 26.  With money tight, the group requested the waiving of the Millet Community Hall fee for the event. The retreat is popular with women as a nice break during mid-winter.  It includes inspirational speakers, spa treatments, and lots of relaxation.  Council waived the hall fee.

Economic Development Training

Mayor Lorenson received a special invitation to attend the Economic Development Authority's (EDA) course called Economic Development for Elected Officials.  Councillor Ron Buchaski made a motion to send Mayor Lorenson to the Economic Development for Elected Officials course. 

Town of Millet Communication Policy

Council and the Town recognize that building a strong, positive, and vibrant municipality requires clear and effective two-way communication, reasoning behind Council's dedication to inform the community of key Council decisions, services, and other initiatives, encourage community access to Councillors and staff, and promote opportunities for public consultation and participation in Council activities.

The Town will continue to use local newspapers, and will mail out bi-monthly newsletters in conjunction with the invoicing for all municipal utility accounts, but Mayor Lorenson emphasized that the Town of Millet website will be the main avenue for communication with the general public.



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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