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Home school your kids if you don’t like Lord’s prayer

I thought this would be a good reminder about the problems of the two ladies wanting to remove the Lord’s Prayer...
Letter to the editor

Dear editor,

I thought this would be a good reminder about the problems of the two ladies wanting to remove the Lord’s Prayer (which teaches people how to approach our God) from the schools in Wetaskiwin.

How could two people influence a teaching institute full of brains do such a thing? When I was little we were so happy to be free to pray to the Heavenly Father everyday and be covered by His protection and love from all evils. We lived free as children.

That prayer was sent to Him for our soldier boys overseas too who were fighting and giving their lives to protect all of Canada and the whole world from evil. Some of my precious friends and neighbors are those soldier boys who watch today as the freedoms they fought for (or families of those who were killed) are being destroyed one by one like this occasion. I suggest and agree that these ladies should home school their children and leave the others to their freedoms our soldiers fought for and are still fighting for to give us a better life free from evil because they still believe we are all deserving of freedom from such things here. We are deserving not degraded.

This article may make someone stop and think and bow their heads and repeat the Lord’s Prayer.

The sender of this letter believes and knows how the Lord’s prayer has led millions of people in the right direction.

To me no one in this whole world has the authority nor the right to remove The Lord’s prayer for another person and this is one freedom Canada should uphold these rights still for every child or anyone else.

Let the two ladies take care of their own personal problems in the way they choose as their personal right and leave the rest alone. No wonder the world is in such turmoil when we could have peace. Wars are started by similar actions.

These two people are not qualified to speak for anyone but themselves and they are free to take their own problems their way. They surely do not speak for me and my families and I do not accept their problems as mine and I pray the schools will let them handle their own affairs outside the schools and lives of all those precious children they teach to become successful in life including freedom for the innocent children of our nation, province and city.

Joyce Raugust, Wetaskiwin