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Illegal entry should be treated as illegal behaviour

Should Alberta be changed to Springfield? Strange parallels to The Simpsons. Mr. Burns-Notley, Chief Wiggam-Hoffman...
The Pipestone Flyer

Dear editor,

Should Alberta be changed to Springfield? Strange parallels to The Simpsons. Mr. Burns-Notley, Chief Wiggam-Hoffman, the old bearded guy-Anderson, Principal Skinner-David Eggen and Lisa Simpson-Shannon Phillips.

So according to our overlords, non-NDP are their embarrassing cousins. It’s time for the “sewer rats” to rise up and quit being the diet of snakes and bearded dragons. Thomas Dang wants to mess with the time zone, how about taking us out of “The Twilight Zone?” The NDP’s good cousins, the federal Liberals, Sohi and the other high-stepping Edmonton Liberal voted against Wynn’s Law. That just reaffirms their ignorance.

Why is the Canadian military not dispatched along out border and stopping illegal entry? Those illegal entry people show their contempt for our laws and society. It’s not Trump’s fault. That B.S. started as soon as sunny ways Liberals got in office. J. Low and Ralph Goodale stand idly by and call illegal crossing, “irregular crossing which must be studied.” The RCMP have become a kid and luggage carrying free taxi service for “irregular border crossers,” which are then given immediate housing, food and financial support. Meanwhile there are thousands of homeless Canadians denied those privileges. How many Native communities can’t even get clean drinking water? Yet those people who totally sidestep our immigration process are given priority even over Canadian citizens.

Remember when Canadian farmers who grew their own grain, harvested it and hauled it to the U.S. to sell. The Liberal government impounded their trucks, imprisoned and fined them. Their “crime” was selling their own grain to the customer of their choice just like any farmer east of Manitoba could do. They got $5 U.S. per bushel instead of selling to the CWB for $3.30 per bushel. That’s what the Liberal government did to hard working citizens who help feed their arrogant butts. Goodale and the Liberal government did not “study the issue.”

But now Trudeau and Goodale have to “study the situation of irregular border crossers.” Meanwhile people who have followed the legal immigration route and would love to become Canadian, with Canadian values, are being denied. It’s ironic that immigrants to Canada are not supposed to be a financial or medical burden according to Canadian government policy. But select people are exempt even if they enter illegally.

I guess you are only a criminal if you are a Canadian that enters Canada “irregularly.” I just wonder what would happen if hundreds of Canadian snowbirds came back to Canada “irregularly.”

Ron Wurban, Calmar