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Jansen is spoiled brat: reader

So with all the media pro-Clinton Democrat hype, Sandra Jansen must have thought she would be whisked...
Letter to the editor

Dear editor,

So with all the media pro-Clinton Democrat hype, Sandra Jansen must have thought she would be whisked into Tory leader status simply because she is a woman. The old core Tories still believe they only have to be accountable to Corporate Calgary oil and utility companies. Thankfully Jason Kenney is trying to offer an alternative and actually listen to Albertans.

At the start of the PC leadership on a television interview, Sandra Jansen said she was supportive of the carbon tax and unrestricted immigration. That’s ironic, to not screen people for Canadian values would mean letting in people who believe women must wear burkas and not be allowed out in public without a family male escort. Or that it’s okay for unescorted women to be raped and then stoned to death for committing adultery but allowing the rapists to go free.

So like a spoiled brat who didn’t get its way, Jansen ran out and started blaming her poor standing and harassment on her being a woman, instead of the fact she was really just an opportunistic hypocrite who endorsed NDP propaganda. Then she crossed over to the NDP where her policies align. That floor crossing should not be allowed as she ran for a particular party. If the majority of your constituents want you to sit as an independent, then okay. Otherwise the seat should be given up and be open for re-election.

Then we have the NDP playing a shell game by saying that power companies will be paid out by using the carbon tax on heavy emitters (oil companies). So all that means is that the oil companies will just hike the cost onto their prices and ordinary consumers will still pay the price for the NDP and Liberals shutting down coal-fired power plants. One way or another Albertans will pay for electricity that they won’t get or use. Remember the old saying, “If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance…” Well, that’s exactly what the Liberals and NDP are trying to do as they globe trot around on their eco-friendly non-farting unicorns.

Why are Albertans still paying transfer payments to ungrateful provinces that buy and use oil from the Middle East that is shipped across the ocean in oil-burning tankers which could crash or sink and pollute? Where is their eco-concern over that? Obviously there is also no concern about the fact that those countries don’t believe in democracy or basic human rights.

R. Wurban, Calmar