Dear editor,
Watching the politicians cast their votes on Tuesday, April 16, I see Notley casting her vote. You know, she may have been a not-so-great premier, but, holy, is she ever a great psychic!
So here she is sliding her ballot into the box and she says with a smile, “Going, going, gone!” Wow. She’s that good!
I couldn’t help but laugh because I, as many of you, had a feeling that she wasn’t going to win this election and here she was, confirming this.
Hey Rachel! I have a crystal ball here somewhere in my closet that you could have!
The April 16 outcome was just what we all needed, because if the NDP would have won again…wow. I just got a headache thinking about it.
Go Kenney go! Thanks for listening.
Larry Hiebert, Wetaskiwin