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Ponoka Piston Poppers had a busy summer cruising around central Alberta

Car club made stops in Rimbey, Pigeon Lake, Wetaskiwin, Clive and more

The Ponoka Piston Poppers car club have had a busy and eventful summer. Lots of beautiful days make for great car club events.

The weekend of July 8, many of the Piston Popper members made the trek to the big show at the Reynolds Museum in Wetaskiwin. This show just seems to get bigger every year.

They brought the club banner and a barbeque and made a day of it. There were loads of cars and spectators and the club made a grand showing all parked together in the middle.

Mid-July brought the Annual Hog Root. The event took place at the Calumet Curling Rink. Calumet is the Native North American word for peace pipe, by the way. Lots of folks attended the weekend festivities, coming from as far away as Taber, Alta.

We had a fun cruise of just over 100 miles that included a lunch at The Rooster in Clive, crashing the Shaw family reunion with our parade of cars and a tour through Ponoka before heading back to Calumet hall.

The fellas served up a great supper of pulled pork with all of the fixings to more than 100 people before spending some time visiting around the bonfire with a few libations. The next morning everyone was treated to a pancake breakfast before heading off home.

Aug. 12, a dozen cars cruised to Winfield, Alta. for Ugetuk Days. This small community cordially invited us to join in their parade, which we did before having our picnic in the park. We parked and made our own little car show in the group camp within the town. Good food, this club sure is good at barbeque lunches, and great visits. On the way home we stopped at the Village at Pigeon Lake for a little shopping and ice cream, showing off the cars one more time and a little more camaraderie.

Late August found the Piston Poppers at a car show in Rimbey. The show was held in the museum grounds where the Popper participants had their own parking area. There was a pancake breakfast to partake in if you chose.

The various areas of the museums were open to all and there were folks around to explain some of the history of the area and the various displays. I quite enjoyed touring the grounds and buildings.

Lots of spectators came out to see the cars and had many questions for the owners about how the vehicles came about, what they were and what modifications had been made to them.

At the end of the day the club was given the award certificate for Best Auto Club Participation and six golf umbrellas. The umbrellas were shared up later at the legion.

- Submitted by Helen Bartley

(Photos submitted)