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Dogs are a huge part of the family

The past couple of weeks have been very rough on our family. We lost our sweet dog Alice to bone cancer. Nothing prepared us for her loss and it was the first time my husband and I have ever had to do that together. With kids in the mix and another dog, it’s been extremely difficult.

The past couple of weeks have been very rough on our family. We lost our sweet dog Alice to bone cancer. Nothing prepared us for her loss and it was the first time my husband and I have ever had to do that together. With kids in the mix and another dog, it’s been extremely difficult.

Our youngest boy, who is under two years old doesn’t understand where she went, as he’s simply too young, but our three-and-a-half-year-old sure knows someone is missing from the family. So heartbreaking.

Our dog Yeti is definitely missing his lifelong friend and companion, and it’s so hard to see. We’ve been playing with him lots and keeping him busy, but that can only do so much when he has a broken heart. It will just take time.

Since I was a little girl I can remember having a dog. They are such a huge part of the family and provide so much joy. My husband and I love dogs and will definitely have at least one in our home for the rest of our lives.

Losing a dog or any pet is extremely hard. She was part of our family and sadly we only had her for a short time. We rescued her back in 2019, a year after we got our first dog. She was such a good girl and so good with our boys. They’d talk to her and show her their toys as they played on the floor, and we felt so lucky to have such an amazing dog who was so gentle in every way.

A couple of weeks ago, we noticed a growth on her gums and got it checked out right away. Sadly, the vet said there was nothing we could do besides taking out half of her jaw, but even then she would live uncomfortably and be in pain for the rest of her years. It was definitely a huge shock to our family and those who knew her, as there was simply nothing we could do but ease her of her pain. I just couldn’t believe how fast it all happened. She was completely fine, living a great life, and then everything went downhill, with her having zero energy and being in pain from this big growth that was definitely spreading.

My husband and I were there as she took her last breath and that was definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Lots of tears were shed as we said goodbye to our beautiful girl. We loved her very much and loved having her as part of our family. Her collar, leash and a footprint will be hung in her honour in our home as we keep her in our hearts always.

One day at a time, we will get through this. The busyness of life doesn’t stop, so the best we can do is keep trucking along, carrying her in our thoughts and enjoying life’s moments as they come.