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Lakedell 4H Lighthorse

Pipestone Flyer

By Annalise Tremblay

Lakedell 4H Lighthorse Club Reporter

West Central Regional Horse Show 2014

Don’t you get that exciting feeling when you go to a horse show? For some of us, we look forward to regionals all year. It was a thrilling year for Lakedell 4-H Lighthorse club because all of our members went to regionals and we decided to do our very first drill team!

The West Central Regional Horse Show was held at the Westerner grounds this spring. Unfortunately, tent C and D were under construction so some clubs had to stay in the little barns but we are so glad they were available.

For the Lakedell Lighthorse club, we were privileged enough to be in one of the normal barns. The Lakedell Lighthorse club did so well at everything our members entered in. Our theme for our stalls this year was the Olympics so each of our stalls were a different country.

We were so excited to show off our new camouflage slinkies! For our first year of drill team, our theme was duck dynasty but it was more of just a country theme. In our opinions, we thought it was one of the best run-throughs yet! Even though we placed last, we rode away with proud smiles because we were so happy with our efforts we put into drill team.

At the end of the weekend, our members were exhausted but we were so proud of our achievements! Our horses looked great in the show ring and our new club shirts looked just as good. We are thankful for the westerner and everyone for accommodating us for the eventful weekend. Our members are looking forward to future years!

Lakedell Lighthorse Achievement Day

Memories, fun, and friends make the best of 4-H. This year is coming to an end as we look back at all our goals and achievements.

On May 24th, the Lakedell Lighthorse 4-H club members gathered at the Lakedell Agricultural Society to complete our yearly goals. It was so exciting to see everyone try their best and get a reward for their hard work toward their goals. Our members’ goals were so creative this year because they ranged anywhere from trail to jumping. Everyone enjoyed completing their goals which they have worked on throughout the year. But best of all was the look on the members faces as they went home, knowing they did the best they could. We were so lucky to have amazing weather which made it easier to achieve our goals. Also, we were given a scrumptious meal and I’m sure everyone enjoyed it.

We would like to thank our judges, Susanne Stone and Jo Mcdonald for investing their time to judge our personal achievements. We are so glad for everyone who pitched in and I’m sure the parents are relieved it’s almost over. As the 4-H year is coming to an end, everyone wants to cherish every moment left for the 2013-2014 year.