The City of Wetaskiwin is still seeking members for the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force that was created December 2020. The City is looking for interested community members, a team up to 15 members, representing a range of under-served and equity-seeking groups to join the Task Force.
The application deadline to join the task force has been extended to Jan. 18, 2021. Appointed members of the task force will serve for a period of 13 months.
The Task Force was created to serve as a forum for discussion to develop and implement initiatives in the City to drive awareness and education on diversity and inclusion. The Task Force will work on creating a welcoming and inclusive community for all regardless of race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, age, income level or language.
“Our goal through the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force is to mobilize change in our community by ensuring that all under-served groups in Wetaskiwin have a say,” explains Sue Howard, City Manager for the City of Wetaskiwin. “The members of this task force will be empowered through actionable and sustainable recommendations that will be adopted by our citizens, City Administration, Council, and local businesses.”
The City says they are striving to create an inclusive municipality where all citizens can feel included and able to participate in their community.
Goals of the Task Force will include:
• Decrease the number of incidents of hate crimes and discrimination in the community;
• Increase awareness of the importance of diversity and the community’s intent to become more inclusive;
• Increase participation by residents, the business community and non-profit organizations to promote diversity and inclusion in our community;
• And encourage and develop a safe and welcoming environment for everyone through targeted approaches developed by the task force.
“The City of Wetaskiwin recognizes the importance of creating a safe community for everyone who lives, works, or visits here,” said Mayor Tyler Gandam. “We are putting together a Diversity and Inclusion Task Force to ensure that each person has every opportunity to know that they are welcome in our city.”
For more information and the task force application package you can visit the City of Wetaskiwin website at
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