The newly elected County of Wetaskiwin councillors held their organizational meeting Oct. 24 to appoint councillors to the reeve and deputy reeve positions, as well the various board representative positions. The organizational meeting is held annually in October.
Reeve: Kathy Rooyakkers
Deputy Reeve: Terry Van de Kraats
Agricultural Service Board Committee: Bill Krahn, Josh Bishop, Lyle Seely, Terry Van de Kraats
Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC): Josh Bishop
Battle Lake Wastershed Synergy Group (Division 6 area): Dale Woitt
County Library Board: Dale Woitt, Bill Krahn,
County of Wetaskiwin School Committee: Kathy Rooyakkers, Bill Krahn, Josh Bishop
Friends of Reynolds-Alberta Museum: Ken Adair
I.U.O.E. Negotiations Committee: Lyle Seely, Terry Van de Kraats, Josh Bishop
Land Use By-law/Municipal Development Plan Review Committee: Kathy Rooyakkers, Terry Van de Kraats, Dale Woitt
Local Assessment Review Board (LARB): Ken Adair, Josh Bishop, Lyle Seely
North Saskatchewan Headwaters Municipal Partnership Committee: Lyle Seely
Peaceful Valley Advisory Committee: Kathy Rooyakkers
Pe Sakastew Centre – Citizen’s Advisory Committee: Terry Van de Kraats
Pigeon Lake Regional Wastewater Planning Committee: Ken Adair
Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan Steering Committee: Kathy Rooyakkers
Friends of the Reynolds-Alberta Museum Society Board: Ken Adair
West Central Planning Agency (board representation): Lyle Seely, Kathy Rooyakkers (alternate)
Wizard Lake Boating Advisory Committee: Ken Adair
Wizard Lake Watershed Association – Working Group: Josh Bishop
Yellowhead Regional Library Board: Dale Woitt, Bill Krahn (alternate)
Emergency Advisory Committee: Josh Bishop, Ken Adair
Health and Safety Committee: Ken Adair, Terry Van de Kraats
Road Protection Committee: Kathy Rooyakkers
Zone 1 and 5 Recreation Committee:Zone 1: Bill Krahn, Terry Van de Kraats, Dale Woitt. Zone 5: Terry Van de Kraats, Dale Woitt, Josh Bishop
Central Alberta Economic Partnership: Lyle Seely, Kathy Rooyakkers
Northeast Pigeon Lake Regional Services Commission: Dale Woitt
Pigeon Lake Chamber of Commerce: Ken Adair
Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) and Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) Intermunicipal Committees: Kathy Rooyakkers, Lyle Seely, Bill Krahn
Intermunicipal Development Plan with SV’s Crystal Springs, Grandview, Poplar Bay and Norris Beach: Kathy Rooyakkers, Ken Adair
West Dried Meat Lake Regional Solid Waste Authority: Terry Van de Kraats, Bill Krahn
Wetaskiwin and Area Lodge Authority: Kathy Rooyakkers, Ken Adair, Bill Krahn
Wetaskiwin Co-operative Seed Cleaning Plant: Bill Krahn, Terry Van de Kraats (alternate)
Wetaskiwin and District Chamber of Commerce: Dale Woitt
Ad Hoc-5 Council Collaboration Committee: Dale Woitt
Composite Assessment Review Board: Josh Bishop, Kathy Rooyakkers
Joint City/County Meetings: Kathy Rooyakkers, Ken Adair, Terry Van de Kraats
Joint County/Town of Millet Committee: Josh Bishop, Terry Van de Kraats
Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI): Kathy Rooyakkers, Terry Van de Kraats
Agriplex Operating Committee: Terry Van de Kraats
Wetaskiwin Community Transportation Society: Terry Van de Kraats, Bill Krahn
Fire Guardians: all of council
During the organizational meeting councillors also approved a change of meeting times come the new year.
For the remainder of 2017 dates of meetings are at 10 a.m., unless otherwise notified. Effective Jan. 1, 2018, all meetings will begin at 9 a.m.