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OPINION: Slow down, let’s all get home alive

OPINION: Slow down, let’s all get home alive

I’ve had something on my mind for the last few weeks that has not been going away.
Hackett: Support for Poilievre keeps growing

Hackett: Support for Poilievre keeps growing

I’ve been finding it difficult these days not to watch what Pierre Poilievre is doing and acknowledge the support he’s captured in our country.
MLA Wilson update: ‘Alberta is truly a hive of activity’

MLA Wilson update: ‘Alberta is truly a hive of activity’

Dogs are a huge part of the family

Dogs are a huge part of the family

The past couple of weeks have been very rough on our family. We lost our sweet dog Alice to bone cancer. Nothing prepared us for her loss and it was the first time my husband and I have ever had to do that together. With kids in the mix and another dog, it’s been extremely difficult.
OPINION: Concentrating focus on a 3-foot world

OPINION: Concentrating focus on a 3-foot world

Ever since I saw the 1990 action-flick Navy SEALs starring Charlie Sheen and Michael Biehn as a kid, I’ve had an interest in the SEAL teams and the missions they undertake.
OPINION: It’s time to shed light on the darkness

OPINION: It’s time to shed light on the darkness

World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10
Leduc, Nisku and Wetaskiwin Regional Chamber of Commerce updates and initiatives

Leduc, Nisku and Wetaskiwin Regional Chamber of Commerce updates and initiatives

The Leduc, Nisku and Wetaskiwin Regional Chamber of Commerce has seen exciting growth and success in our business community. Our members are incredible, and we thank them for their continued hard work and engagement in the community!
The County of Wetaskiwin heading into a busy fall

The County of Wetaskiwin heading into a busy fall

Update from County Reeve Josh Bishop
Drayton Valley-Devon MLA update

Drayton Valley-Devon MLA update

Alberta’s economy is growing and diversifying under our United Conservative government. In addition to traditional industries like agriculture and energy, newer industries like technology and innovation are also booming in our province.
OPINION: It’s time to shed light on the darkness

OPINION: It’s time to shed light on the darkness

World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10